Tuesday, February 1, 2011

paris je t'aime

Source: flickr.com via Randi on Pinterest

Well, I've imagined a million ways to tell you this, but it seems best to keep it simple:


Source: etsy.com via Randi on Pinterest

My husband has been accepted to the Le Cordon Bleu from November 2011-June 2012.  Sounds a bit like bragging-but he is an amazing (it's okay if it's not about me, right?)!

Eight eye opening, delicious, chance-of-a-lifetime, months walking and sleeping in the city of lights.  Am I scared?  You bet.  Am I a little nervous to bring two girls who will be almost-two and almost-four to live in a foreign country?  Absolutely.  Clearly the benefits outweigh the fears and unknowns because it's Paris.

There are still so many details and Visas that need approving, but our plans are set.

While there, I dream of dressing like her...

But, I will probably just eat way too much bread, get lost a lot, carry a huge camera and generally look way too American and touristy. 

The plan is to squeeze ourselves into one of the many one-bedroom furnished apartments within walking distance of the school. When not focusing on school we plan on doing tons of exploring and hopefully, when money allows, taking trains to other nearby lands.

There are so many more details I would love to share with you as this whole crazy adventure unfolds!

Source: google.com via Randi on Pinterest


  1. Yay!! How exciting! Oh my gosh, stay excited through it all! May God bless everything you all set your minds to!
    -Leah Salazar

  2. That is amazing! You probably know this, but Design Mom is enroute to France right this minute - with her family of 8! She has several great posts about paperwork, visas, etc. Bon Chance to all of you!!

  3. That is so incredible! Congratulations to your husband on being accepted and to you and the girls to do something so exciting.

  4. The great Paris adventure! Looking forward to the great eating after you return! (Not that he doesn't cook well now...) :)

  5. how exciting....what an amazing experience!
    i love when people just go for it! so inspiring!

  6. These photos are beautiful! Enjoy your exciting adventure!
