Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Outstanding in the field

I'm happy to tell you I just hung up with a babysitter about tomorrow because we are heading to Dayton to participate in Outstanding in the Field!!

I heard about Outstanding in the field last summer and was completely smitten with the idea.  The traveling convoy set up their kitchen in locations all over the country.  They use a local chef and local ingredients (preferably from the actual location) to prepare an outdoor farm feast complete with their signature long tables.  Farm to table, literally.

I was surprised to see they were coming to Dayton, WA this summer, which is just about an hour away from where we live.  Tomorrow afternoon we will head out to Monteillet Fromagerie, owned by Joan and Pierre-Louis Monteillet.  We met Joan at the local farmer's market and she said they were raising chickens and growing vegetables for the big event.  A tour of their amazing farm and fromagerie will kick things off.

 (image credit: Jim Denevan, source)

I can't wait to see what the guest chef Jamie Guerin (from Whitehouse Crawford in Walla,Walla) comes up with.  We received an email from OITF yesterday telling us to bring our own plate to create a one of a kind table setting.  How cool is that?  I plan to finish every last thing on that plate.

I'm hoping to snap a couple of shots of our time to share with you.  Bon appetit!


  1. Very cool. I just checked their website, and they're going to be at a farm about 8 miles away this fall, but it's already sold out... and it's out of my price range, so that's OK. :) I can't wait to hear how it goes for you tomorrow!

  2. Yes, the price tag is a bit outrageous! Not what we would normally spend on anything ;) My parents are joining us and pitched in as a going away present. Maybe you can drive by when they host it near you and take a peek!

  3. fantastic!!! I also went to the dinner last night. I was the one that was solo with blonde hair and blue blazer. I got online searching for some pictures of our dinner and found your blog right away!! crazy :) I look forward to seeing what pictures you took. Keep up the good work!!!
    Cheers- Melissa Schatz

  4. Hi Melissa! Don't know if you'll ever read this, but it was so nice to meet you at the dinner! I hope you had a fabulous time ;)
