Monday, October 14, 2013

A Simple Wreath for Autumn

I may be breaking an unwritten code when I tell you that we don't really decorate much for Halloween around here, but we just don't. Our version of autumn decorating involves grabbing a few found objects and bringing them inside, along with loads of pumpkins and gourds. This style of decoration works for both Halloween and Thanksgiving, so it also works with my busy life and (sometimes) laziness and that's why I love it!

The other day I spotted these bright yellow leaves on several of our bushes out front and Jack and I headed outside to fill a basket to the brim. I wasn't sure what to do with them, but a wreath or garland seemed to be the best use of these gorgeous golden treasures. This summer we made flower crowns and I was curious if the same technique would work to make a wreath, and it did! 

To make a leaf wreath you will need to gather:

-several leaves
-paraffin wax
-a small sauce pan and a metal bowl that will fit on top
-wired twine or a small wreath form
-floral tape

1. Preserve leaves with paraffin wax. Carefully melt wax by placing water in a saucepan, bringing to a boil and placing a metal bowl containing the wax on top. Once wax is melted, dip each leaf into the wax by holding the stem (don't dip stem) and set on waxed paper or parchment to harden for a few minutes.

2. Group leaves. Once leaves are cooled, group into groups of three. Wrap floral tape tightly around each group to secure and set aside.

3. Make wreath form. If you don't have a wreath form on hand, you can make one by forming a circle with wired twine and twisting the ends together at the top. Once formed, wrap floral tape around entire circle to strengthen and create a good surface for the leaves to adhere to.

4. Choose a direction and attach leaves. Decide if you want your leaves swirling to the right or left and attach your first group of leaves to the form by wrapping floral tape around the bottom of the leaves and the form itself.

5. Add more leaves. Add next group of leaves in front of your first group, covering floral tape (oops, I see tape poking out in that photo!). Continue adding groups of leaves until entire wreath is covered. Attach twine or ribbon to the back of wreath and hang 'er up!

I must've been feeling extra festive, because I also whipped up this pine cone wall hanging (idea from here), and came home from the store with a bag full of gourds.

Happy fall to you!

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